The day started out perfectly! Chef Haley wanted to make Daddy something yummy for breakfast. Lucky for us we had a thing of cinnamon rolls. So while daddy and Austin were snoozing Haley set off to make some yummy cinnamon rolls.
Ready for the oven

Getting the icing!!!!Yummy!

After breakfast it was off to a stable 5 minutes from our house becuase today is the one day a year that they offer free horseback riding. Haley was super excited! She had to fix her hair with braids and she wore her rubber (camping, fishing, riding) boots. Austin was not going to be riding any horses but he got all dressed up in his cowboy attire...all they were missing were cowboy/girl hats.
Getting the icing!!!!Yummy!
After breakfast it was off to a stable 5 minutes from our house becuase today is the one day a year that they offer free horseback riding. Haley was super excited! She had to fix her hair with braids and she wore her rubber (camping, fishing, riding) boots. Austin was not going to be riding any horses but he got all dressed up in his cowboy attire...all they were missing were cowboy/girl hats.
Here is daddy and Austin right before we went into the arena to ride the horses. When we stepped into the arena it began to pour down rain. Good thing Haley got to ride under the cover of the arena.

Haley listeding to the owner about how to ride her horse who was named Midnight!
Haley listeding to the owner about how to ride her horse who was named Midnight!
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