Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Saturday!!!

Today was such a fun day! We love breakfasts at Granny's. I remember them from when I was little! It is the most unhealthy breakfast you can eat but it is so good. Everything is cooked outside over a fire. The bacon is cooked first then all that yummy grease is used to fry up the bisquits! Wow! They are great. Then they cook up some eggs! I am telling you it is delish!
Here is a picture of Haley and Granny! It was a bit cold outside this morning but we all managed to stay pretty warm!
Haley and Aunt Nana jumping on the trampoline! Austin loves Capri Suns!

I love these pictures! Grannys roses look beautiful in the background!

Austin was not very good at hunting. He would put them in his basket then pour his basket out and clap for himself! Finding the eggs!

Trying to beat Drew to the eggs!

Austin enjoying breakfast!

Haley and Drew jumping on the trampoline! Austin loves to swing!

Austin checking out the bunny figure!

Haley ready to hunt eggs!

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