Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring Break has begun!!!!

Haley tried to fish with her new princess pole but she didn't catch anything it was too cold! Aunt Laci came prepared with a tunnel! The kids loved it!

Brand new baby Carsyn with the coolest hair I have ever seen!

Cute little Haley!

Austin eating!!!! He is always eating!
Haley and her favorite cousin Calista!

Austin and Daddy ready to go to the farm!

Austin has a new trick! He has learned that he can use Haleys stool to climb on top of high things such as the living room coffee table. I watched the whole process. He went into the bathroom and got the stool. Then he came out sat it by the table and up he went!

Haley is now in the silver gymnastics class! But she still has her old coach that she loves! Austin can also drink out of a straw!

He loves chick fil a lemonaide too!

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