Today was our first ever trip to the Fort Worth Stock Show. Haley had a blast. Here are some pictures of the day.
Haley with her Daddy!

Haley loved seeing all of the animals!

Aunt Laci being a trooper walking all day almost 9 months pregnant. Calista had a lot of fun too, well except for the merry go roud that went really fast!!!

Austin pretty much sat in his stroller all day and ate food. He is such a clean child when he eats :)

Haley and PeePaw chatting it up!

Pee Paw and the girls feeding the animals.

Calista really liked the animals at the petting zoo!
Haley feeding the animals! Haleys favorite part of the day.

The petting zoo was not Austins favorite part of the day! If he could talk I think he would be saying get me out of here :)

Haley and PeePaw

Austin loooking at the animals.

Daddy and PeePaw

Haley and her cholcolate milk!

Austin wanting to know why these animals were put on top of him.

Austin still screaming.

Austin loved santa but not this big horse!

Haley liked him though.

Austin was ready to roll!

The bunch except for Jessica who was willing to take the picture.

Haley and PeePaw looking at the cows.

Hope ya'll all had a great Sunday too!